
Thursday, April 27, 2006

Selected Internet Resources for Educators and Education Students

Here is a list of education-related sites that I have collected from various sources. Enjoy!

Books for Youth

ALSC Literary and Related Awards
A list of the annual awards granted by the Association for Library Service to Children. This includes Newberry Medal Books, Caldecott Medal Books,

Books in Print
An online database provided by University Libraries, Books in Print provides bibliographic information on over 5 million books.

Challenged and Banned Books
Information about how and why books are challenged and banned and links to lists of frequently challenged and banned books.

The Children’s Literature Web Guide
Provides access to Internet resources related to books for children and young adults, including award lists; parent, writer's and storyteller's resources; full text children's books; publisher's information; listservs; and author's pages.

Coretta Scott King Book Award
An annual award honoring the work of African American authors and illustrators and books that promote understanding and appreciation of the culture of all people and their contribution to the realization of the American dream.

Imaginary Lands
A portal to three distinct sites: Picturing Books: A Website about Picture Books, Children’s Literature Navigator (a directory of links related to children’s literature, literacy, and early childhood), and Passport: International Children’s Literature.

Kidspace @ The Internet Public Library: Reading Zone
Information about children and young adult books and authors as well as links to other online children and young adult literature resources.

Read-Aloud Books Too Good to Miss
An annual list of read-aloud books for primary school, intermediate school, middle school and high school aged students.

Indiana Education Sites

Indiana’s Academic Standards

Indiana Department of Education

Indiana K-12 School Data

Indiana School Directory

Indiana Textbook Adoption

Educational Testing and Assessment

American Psychological Association
Provides information on finding published and unpublished tests and measures as well as a review of the coverage provided by Tests in Print, Mental Measurements Yearbook, Tests, and Test Critiques. Access to the “Code of Fair Testing Practices in Education” is also provided.

Buros Institute of Mental Measurements
Contains general information on psychological tests as well as guides to effectively their publications, Mental Measurements Yearbook and Tests in Print.

Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST)
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education and the Office of Educational Research and Improvement, CRESST conducts research on topics relating to K-12 educational testing and provides online access to their policy briefs, newsletters and assessments and rubrics.

Educational Testing Service
The Educational Testing Service provides access to over 20,000 tests and other measurement devices from the early 1900s to the present as well as educational assessment research and analysis.

Frontline: Testing Our Schools
A Frontline special on educational assessment as they relate to the No Child Left Behind Act.

Lexile Framework for Reading
A widely adopted approach for measuring reader ability and text difficulty, the Lexile Framework is recognized as an accurate way to match readers with text.

Yahoo Education: Education Standards and Testing
Includes links to companies and organizations that produce tests as well as test preparation information.

K-12 Curriculum Materials

Best on the Web for Teachers
A ranked, annotated list of education related sites.

Blue Web'n
From SBCKnowledge Network, an online library of 1968 outstanding Internet sites categorized by subject, grade level, and format (tools, references, lessons, hotlists, resources, tutorials, activities, projects).

Education World
Education World provides access to original content, such as lesson plans, educational technology, site reviews and journal articles. The site also contains a search engine for educational web sites.

Educator's Reference Desk
Formerly AskERIC, the Educator's Reference Desk includes over 2000 lesson plans and over 3000 links to online education information.

Federal Resources for Educational Excellence (FREE)
Dedicated to making federally supported teaching and learning materials more accessible, FREE is a searchable collection of curriculum materials created by federal agencies.

Gateway to Education Materials (GEM)
Sponsored by the US Department of Education, GEM is a Consortium effort to provide educators with quick and easy access to thousands of educational resources found on various federal, state, university, non-profit, and commercial Internet sites.

Internet Mathematics Library
A searchable listing of math teaching activities and lesson plans.

Kathy Schrock’s Guide for Educators
Provides extensive resources for K-12 students and teachers covering 20 major categories of curriculum subject matter; excellent source of background material and curriculum content as well as teaching activities.

Kooker Kids
Online games, coloring pages, easy craft projects, early learning, kids activities, art galleries, and more!

Lesson Plans and Teaching Strategies
A huge listing of internet sites that freely provide K-12 curriculum resources.

Lesson Plans Page
A collection of over 2,500 lesson plans, most of them at the elementary level, developed and selected by students and faculty at The University of Missouri.

The Learning Page
A project of the Library of Congress, The Learning Page is designed to help educators use The American Memory Collection to teach history and culture. The Learning Page contains lesson plans, tips for using primary resources, discussions and activities.

MarcoPolo is a nonprofit consortium of premier national and international education organizations and the MCI Foundation dedicated to providing the highest quality Internet content and professional development to teachers and students. MarcoPolo includes seven content Web sites with lesson plans, student interactive content, downloadable worksheets, link to panel reviewed Web sites and additional content created by education organizations.

A free and open resource primarily designed for students of higher education, Merlot provides access to online learning materials, including peer reviews and assignments.

Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning
Links to lesson plans that and other resources that are helpful for curriculum planning.

Teachers’ Domain
A multimedia digital library for the classroom that includes background articles for each resource, correlations to national and state curriculum standards and media-rich lesson plans.

Sites for Teachers
Links to lesson plan sites, classroom projects, interactive activities and other sites that provide curriculum support resources. The sites are ranked by popularity.

Organizations, Associations and Government Agencies for Education

Access Indiana: Education and Training
A portal to education agencies and associations in Indiana.

Educational Associations and Organizations
This site contains an annotated list of over 30 educational associations and organizations selected by the US Department of Education.

Education Resource Organizations Directory (EROD)
EROD is a directory used to identify and contact organizations that provide information and assistance on a broad range of education-related topics.

Indiana Department of Education
Links to state education information as well as current news, listservs and related web sites.

State Education Departments
Links to US State Education Departments.

U.S. Department of Education
Includes information on policies, programs, publications, research and statistics.

Yahoo Education Organizations
Links to education organizations and professional education associations.

Standards in Education

Curriculum Standards for Social Studies
Developed by a Task Force of the National Council for the Social Studies and approved by the NCSS Board of Directors in April 1994.

Developing Educational Standards
Standards by subject and locale

Indiana’s Academic Standards
Full-text versions of Indiana’s academic standards, standards resources and assessment materials.

National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
An independent organization that has developed standards in 27 different fields for what accomplished teachers should know and be able to do.

National ESL Standards for Pre-K-12 Students
Developed by The Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), the standards are currently being revised to reflect changes resulting from the No Child Left Behind Act.

National Standards for Health Education
Developed by the American Association for Health Education.

National Information Literacy Standards
Developed in 1998 by the American Association of School Librarians.

National Science Education Standards
Developed by the National Research Council in 1995.

National Standards for Arts Education
Developed by the Consortium of National Arts Education Associations, the National Standards for Arts Education outline what every K-12 student should know about the arts.

National Standards for Dance Education
Developed in 1994 by the National Dance Association.

National Standards for Foreign Language Education
Developed in 1996 by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.

National Standards for Music Education
Developed in 1994 by the National Association for Music Education.

National Standards for Sport and Physical Education
Developed by the National Association for Sport & Physical Education.

National Standards for the English Language Arts
English language arts standards developed by the International Reading Association and National Council of English Teachers in 1996.

Principles and Standards for School Mathematics
Math standards and expectations for all grade levels as set by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics in 1991.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Temporary Interlibrary Loan Changes

Though the interlibrary loan request system is currently unavailable, you can still submit interlibrary loan requests by email to interlib@bsu.edu. For each request, please supply your full name, department, contact telephone, and contact email address. In addition, please supply this descriptive information about your desired item: author, title, journal title, volume, issue (if applicable), date of publication, and your "not needed after date".

The ILL office will attempt to email the requested article to you as a PDF. If the file is too large, they will try sending it in sections. If this doesn't work, they will mail a print version of the article to a specified address.

Please call the ILL office at 765-285-1324 if you have any further questions!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

End of the Semester Resources

Here are a few sites that should help to ease you through the last few weeks of the semester! Leave comments if you would like to suggest additional resources!
  • If you don't have access to Endnote, use EasyBib!
  • Online reference books are a fantastic way to begin your research. Give xreferplus a try.
  • Don't forget to Ask a Librarian if you get stuck (check out our extended April hours)!
  • Want a better way to search the web? Use Furl to search and save Web pages in a personal archive.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Searching the Deep Web

The deep web is made up of all the Internet resources that cannot be retrieved through traditional search engines. Much of the deep web consists of information that is stored in databases. Search engines cannot find this information because the database dynamically generates a web page for every query. See this article for further explanation.

Luckily, there are approaches we can take for accessing information stored in the deep web:

Internet directories are sites that consist of a collection of links that are organized by a classification scheme to enable subject browsing.
  • Librarians' Internet Index - This directory was created and is maintained by librarians. The sites are organized by Library of Congress Subject Headings (as is the University Libraries!).
  • Infomine - A virtual library of Internet resources relevant to faculty, students, and research staff at the university level.
  • The Open Directory Project - The largest, most comprehensive human-edited directory of the web. It is constructed and maintained by volunteers'
Use Google and other search engines to locate searchable databases by including the word "database" in your search. For example, search "UFO and database" or "zombie and database."

If you would like to learn more about the deep web, please see Deep Web Research, a blog devoted to monitoring deep web research resources and sites on the Internet.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Selected Internet Resources for Nurses and Nursing Students

The latest edition of College & Research Libraries News includes a sampling of sites for nurses and nursing students.

Here is a selected list of their sites:

government medical and health information resources

NLM Gateway
This site is a handy entry point for searching the many valuable resources at the National Library of Medicine. It provides a global search function for Pubmed, Pubmed Central, and Medline Plus, all of which are discussed below.

Resources for medical professionals and researchers

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
This federal agency both conducts and sponsors research on healthcare quality, safety, and cost-effectiveness.

National Institute of Nursing Research
One of the National Institutes of Health, this organization’s mission is to support research in nursing in clinical and community settings through grants and other funding programs.

Nongovernmental portals

BioMed Central

This resource publishes more than 140 open access journals covering all areas of biology and medicine.

Hardin MD
The “MD” stands for “Meta Directory” and the University of Iowa’s Hardin Library for the Health Sciences is one of the best and most complete directories for medical and health-related links.

This well-organized collection of evaluated, noncommercial resources is a collaborative project of health sciences libraries at more than 20 leading academic medical centers in the Midwest. Easy to use, it offers basic and guided searching or browsing by categories from AIDS and HIV to Women’s Health.

Online Journal of Issues in Nursing (OJIN)OJIN is a free, peer-reviewed, international journal addressing topics affecting nursing practice, research, education, and the wider health care sector.

Study aids for nursing students

AMA Medical Ethics Web pages.
The American Medical Association (AMA) offers resources and information about medical ethics. One especially helpful resource for nursing students is their "Virtual Mentor, an interactive, Web-based forum for analysis and discussion of ethical and professional issues."

Geriatric Assessment-Case Studies
The Virtual Health Care Team Web site is sponsored by the School of Health Professions and the School of Medicine at University of Missouri. Among other resources, it offers four "interdisciplinary geriatric assessment" case studies.

Gray’s Anatomy of the Human Body
The Bartleby.com edition of Gray’s Anatomy features 1,247 pictures from the classic 1918 publication, as well as a subject index with 13,000 entries.

Human Anatomy Online
Easy to navigate, the user begins by choosing among ten systems: skeletal, digestive, muscular, lymphatic, endocrine, nervous, cardiovascular, male or female reproductive, and urinary. Graphics are interactive and users can view animations of the system, tutorials, and descriptions.

McGill University Virtual Stethoscope
This is surely a unique Internet resource for medical and nursing students. As its name suggests, it is a multimedia tutorial featuring a virtual stethoscope to assess both respiratory and cardiovascular conditions.

Medical Images on the Web
University of Nebraska Medical Center offers this excellent portal with evaluated, annotated links to online image collections organized into the following categories: General, Anatomy and Histology, Cardiology, Dermatology, Embriology, Endoscopy, Neurology, Pathology, Pediatrics, and ENT.

Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy
The Merck Manual’s 17th, Centennial Edition is available free, searchable by keyword or the table of contents. Merck also offers two other complete manuals through this site: The Merck Manual of Geriatrics and The Merck Manual of Health & Aging.

Physical Exam Study Guides
Created by the University of Florida Medical program, these guides are thorough and clear. The exams offered are: Vital Signs, Back and Extremity, Chest and Lung, Cardiology, Head and Neck, Eye, Abdominal, Breast, Pelvic, Neurologic, and Mental Status.

RN Central
Created by nurses for nurses and students, this site offers good resource links, but the highlight is its “Careplan Corner,” with predefined nursing care plans under three categories: “Altered/Alterations,” “Impaired/Impairment,” and “General.”

Information provided for each drug includes the description, clinical pharmacology, indications and dosage, side effects and drug interactions, warnings and precautions, drug overdosage contraindications, and patient information.

Nursing associations, online forums, and discussion lists

American Nurses Association (ANA)
The ANA represents American registered nurses (RNs). The site provides information on current issues in nursing (workplace rights, patient safety, and ethics) and a sophisticated career center with a searchable jobs database, space for posting résumés, and advice for job-seekers. http://www.ana.org or http://nursingworld.org.

International Council of Nurses
"A federation of national nurses’associations (NNAs), representing nurses in more than 128 countries," that focuses on quality in nursing internationally and global health policy. http://www.icn.ch/index.html.

Online forums and discussion lists

Nursing Discussion Forums

Nursing Email Discussion Lists http://nursing.buffalo.edu/mccartny/nursing_discussion_forums.html#1

Skepticism in Nursing Discussion forum http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/skepticrn/

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Library Instruction for Distance Classes is Possible!

Just because your class doesn't regularly meet on campus doesn't mean you have to miss out on library instruction. If there are any class meetings on campus, faculty are encouraged to schedule a library instruction session. Please use the Library Instruction Request Form to schedule your session. Individual students who are going to be on campus may also schedule an appointment with a reference librarian for one-on-one instuction.

Faculty who have purely online classes should contact Kelli Keclik or Lisa Barnett, the Instructional Services Librarian, to discuss online library instruction opportunities.

Students needing research assistance should also try: