
Sunday, April 22, 2007

Window to Your WorldCat

If you're using library resources at a distance, you may find yourself wondering how to get an item that's not available in a full-text format from one of the University Libraries' many databases. Say you've looked up a book in CardCat that's just not available. You could request the item via interlibrary loan, but you live in Iowa and can't justify a trip to Muncie to pick up material from Bracken Library.

Did you know there's a quick and simple way to see if a local library has the item you need? Did you also know that many public libraries offer interlibrary loan services to their patrons? Read on about the wonders of WorldCat.

WorldCat allows you to search thousands of library catalogs (like CardCat) at once, providing you with a list of libraries that own the item you're looking for. The first screenshot shows an example of the number of options available when
searching WorldCat.

After clicking the Search button, you'll get an item record like the one displayed in the second screenshot.

By clicking the link for "Libraries worldwide that own item," you'll get a detailed list of libraries and their locations (see third screenshot). Notice that the list of locations starts with libraries close to Ball State's location, then spirals out from there.

WorldCat is a quick way to locate books anywhere in the country (or the world). You can even use the information in WorldCat records to fill out your interlibrary loan request forms.

Access WorldCat from the University Libraries' databases page under the W's. If you get stuck or need additional help, check out the Ask a Librarian services. And as always, remember you don't have to be in the library to use it!

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